
Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Internet connection on campus sucks recently, I get pissed off just trying to move from different locations of the house just to get connected. Hmmn... been a week since I started wearing contact lens to class, not that there is "anyone" really worth looking at in school, oh well, just don't want to be seen as a geeky 4-eyes anymore. Cathegism classes start tomorrow, its the studies of the bible to be baptised as a catholic, finally in the near future can proudly follow my mum go for communion during church service... Supposed to be doing a tutorial now, but let me finish this first. Thought of going down melbourne city this weekend, but had to hibernate at home do assignments. They really **suck**... ;(

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Apr24 was the trip to Phillip Island and also my friend's birthday. Cloudy day with slight drizzles, the trip begin with a stop at the wild life park were the kangaroos had a fun time scratching my hand just to get food. Next was the Sealion Rocks where supposingly we could see sealions, must to my disappointment, there was none.. It was freezing cold though..Last stop was to Penguin Parade where we waited 1 hour plus just to see the cute little things walk ashore from the sea to their nest. Had to sit at the wrong side so I could merely catch a little sight of them. It was stupid when you actually could see them more clearly as you walk back to the entrance. Got told off by security for trying to take photos of them with my handphone.. ;9

Reach back uni round 9.20pm, rushed home to change for the Traralgon NOVA night. For my friend's sake.. Anyway, was pretty tired so didn't really dance much, but it was a better place than the Churchill Saloon though... Played pool with 2 guys (hey I thought it's usually 2 gals against 1 guy) against me, wah first time see the cue touch the white ball still can happily continue. Guess it's always men's ego that they can't lose... **sign**
Tuesday, 27th Apr'04, surfing the Internet instead of doing my gco2822 tutorial, I wonder around checking friendster and my emails. Went on to update some stuff in my Yahoo! photography club group then found out I got nothing better to do, hence the start of this blog...