This month hasn't exactly been a good month. First Australia lost two of their great heros: Steve Irwin and Peter Brock, both just days apart of passing away. I would say Steve Irwin's death affected me more because just a week ago, I was just reading an article of his family and him, about their love and passion for wildlife as well as watching a couple of his shows on Animal Planet . I sobbed. I really did. You can find lots of videos of Tribute to them on
YouTube. although some *axxholes* actually make fun of his death, there are some meaningful ones still. Then, just last week, one of my best friend's mother passed away as well. I met Auntie end of last year. She was battling cancer since the beginning of this year and I have been praying for her everynight since then. But I guess it was God's Will to take her away from her pain eventually. So they say, "A call in the wee hours of the night" is never good. It took a good 5 minutes after I hunged up for the news to sink it. Then I sobbed again. I was worried sick about my best friend who's so far away. And I still am.
R.I.P Auntie, Steve Irwin and Peter Brock