
Friday, November 05, 2004

AfTeR ExAms StOrY (PaRt 1) - LaSt ToUriSm PaPeR / LaPtOp CrAsH / JuSt bEiNg vAiN / AmBeR CluBbiN

Haven't got the time to update my blog till now and thus the date's just for fun, though it states last fri which isn't exactly is. Anyway the last exam paper - Tourism wasn't too bad and all I knew was that I kept writing and writing. Jumped with joy right after that and went to Traralgon with Tigger after that to release ourselves from the exam blues... Bought some fake nails just for fun and vanity haha..

My stupid laptop crashed last weekend when I tried installin winXP service pack 2, still abit dodgy though now but guess I have to wait till I get back JB to have it serviced. I remembered I got loads of stuff to blog about last week, think I forgotten most of it already.. Silly me, I always daydream about what to write and full of thoughts elsewhere, but when Im really here, I just can't remember. So we went to Amber clubbin on Fri and it was my last time going there, so got some shots for remembrance. Happy that all my close pals were there:

Longy sure looks like an "Uncle" here with his long "ah-beng" hair...

Continuation of Story starts above ^