Anyway not to ruin my mood anymore, let's get on to other things. Last friday, we had a Go for Gold Trivia Night - A Company Event. I don't feel right calling my workplace a company because it's more of an organisation. Anyway here are some photos:
It was held at the boardroom which is usually seperated into 3 meeting rooms. Basically it was a fund raising event for a charity, which was the cystic fiborosis this time. We answered questions about TV shows, songs, history, science and stuff and you can even "buy" answers when you need them.
Other colleagues from other departments dolled up to the nines... heehee what a team! But they weren't the only team who had "team clothing", another table also had people wearing the same shirt. Too bad we couldn't be bothered.
And like every CFA event, there's always the okay everyone stands up game, you answer questions and if you're wrong, you sit down and the last person standing wins the prize. I was the 3rd last to sit down, what a shame... haha...
Then darling and I also went for a farewell dinner for our dear Lenny. Like most of our close friends, he too found it hard to get a job here and so he opted to go back to Singapore for the job offers waiting for him instead. Here are some pics from the dinner:
Lenny's friend Ash also came along. They call him the "guai-lou" because he and his parents have stayed in Hong Kong for more than 10 years because his parents were posted to work there. He's british and he's now studying in Melbourne and no he can't speak a word of cantonese. :P Something like tubby lar haha...
It's such a sad thing that OZ makes it so hard for people who love their country and want to stay on here. We have had a few close friends who couldn't stay on because of visa or job issues also and now the same thing is happening to Lenny. :( Ah well ladies and gentlemen, we are still waiting for the day that you all will return here for good. And you should know who you are. :D
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