Look at the photos she took of him lar, so free yah! Can set him in a small box and lie him on top of his teddy bear etc, but how CUTE though! Even darling was saying how adorable he was. There were more photos, but I wasn't sure if I should put all of them up, so just picked a few.
Well on to tennis lesson update at Clayton, it was good and darling and I have decided to continue taking lessons there. He even told me today after dinner that once a fortnight didn't seemed enough and that he actually feels like having it every week instead, haha. I guess we can work something out with the coach. Only down point is that the uni court rentals are pretty expensive at $14 per hour. Even as a member you have to pay. No doubt the rate might be discounted, but usually when you join other tennis clubs, you can play for free anytime. So boo to this down point. :( Anyway on the first lesson I was actually a bit uncomfortable with the coach as the previous coach actually let me explore other playing options like single-handed back hand. But the clayton coach said that woman usually don't do that as they need the power with both hands. So he kinda wanted to change me back to double back hand. So I'm still kinda like stuck in between both tactics but am glad he isn't too pushy and is slowly letting me adapt myself to the technique I much prefer.
I also just join the Monash Uni Tennis Club (which is affiliated to the Monash Uni Clayton Courts, duhhh) today so I can play in the winter comps! How exciting, I mean I haven't played in comps for a year and have been wanting to go back for ages. So these days, it's all 3 days a week at the gym and maybe another playing tennis. But yeah I'm still as chubby as ever and have not lost any weight.. :( Ah well I guess it's hard to lose weight when you're living in bliss. :p Yes yes I know, I am trying to console myself. :p
babe! sounds like you're getting a lotta exercise! woot! even though you think you're 'chubby', give it some time. and perhaps extra time on the treadmill will make a difference. ;)I havent been running either! have only gone once since returning! and man, i miss tennis! oh yes, i actually do eat faster than sisters here! :P unbelievable huh.
yes babe! Wish you were back here to join us for tennis though! You know what? We haven't been able to arrange a time to hit with Serene yet after so long! hahaha...
OMG you already eat faster than your sisters?! If we ever get a chance to dine with them, I think they need a 15min head start.. :P
jayden also wants to meet his grandaunt sasa :)
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